Bruno worksreads and shops

Solo Exhibitions

2024 Chisenhale Gallery, London (forthcoming)

2024 I believe you, Veronica, Seattle, WA

2023 Everybody is Crazy, What Pipeline, Detroit, MI

2022 I am not afraid, Cordova, Barcelona

2021 Uh-oh, Sismógrafo, Porto

2020 Chic, Fragile, Berlin

2020 Shhhhhhh, UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund), Oslo

2019 Guts, Kimberly-Klark, Queens, NY

2018 Continente, Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon

2017 Bugs, La Plage, Paris

2016 Crew, Sandberg Instituut MFA Show, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam

2015 Vista Alegre, Novo Banco Revelação Award, Serralves Museum, Porto

2015 New Arrivals, Foam, Amsterdam

2014 Cold Open, Jeanine Hofland, Amsterdam

2012 Grass Warm Trifecta, Carlos/Ishikawa, London 

Group Exhibitions

2024 Circulate, curated by Mirelva Berghout and Vincent van Velsen, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam (forthcoming)

2024 Does Anyone Still Wear a Hat?, Hans Goodrich, Chicago, IL

2024 Pop Life, Zodiac Pictures, Santa Monica, CA

2024 Micasa, curated by Nick Irvin and Amalia Ulman, Upper West Side, New York, NY

2024 Skulptur Projekte Stockholm, Beau Travail, Stockholm

2024 French Exit, Concorde at Emanuela Campoli, Paris

2024 Gossips, curated by Ginny on Frederick, Nir Altman, Munich

2024 Pothole², curated by Ron Ewert and Cameron Spratley, Rainbo Club, Chicago, IL

2024 New Project Spaces, u’s at Backrooms Kunsthalle Zurich, Zurich

2023 Motherboy, curated by Stella Bottai and Gray Wielebinski, Gió Marconi, Milan

2023 Hollow Leg, Laurel Gitlen, New York, NY

2023 Zürich Bienniale, Kunsthalle Zurich, Zurich

2023 Comizi d'Amore, curated by Cathrin Mayer, Georg Kargl Fine Arts, Vienna

2023 SARTOR, organized by Viscose Journal, Between Bridges, Berlin

2023 O Quilombismo, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin

2023 Substitutes, organized by Philipp Gufler, W139, Amsterdam

2023 Exception Expérience, curated by Léna Monnier, Treize, Paris

2023 Chrysalis: The Butterfly Dream, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Genève

2022 Myth Makers: Spectrosynthesis III, curated by Inti Guerrero and Chantal Wong, Tai Kwun, Hong Kong

2022 Autofiction, curated by Melanie Bühler, Galerie Fons Welters, Amsterdam

2022 Glower, Larder, Los Angeles

2022 Farah Al Qasimi, Elizabeth Englander, Bruno Zhu, What Pipeline, Detroit, MI

2022 In No Order, VI, VII, Oslo

2021 Domestic Drama, curated by Cathrin Mayer, HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Graz

2021 Spirit off, Yaby, Madrid

2021 Sartor Resartus, curated by Jeppe Ugelvig, HFKD, Holstebro

2021 The Unplugged in Second, curated by Gianmaria Andreetta, Kunsthalle Friart, Fribourg

2019 In My Room, curated by Alvin Li, Antenna Space, Shanghai

A Maior Worldwide

2023 A Maior in My Oma, Kunstinstituut Melly, Rotterdam

2022 Shop Literati, A Maior at San Serriffe, Amsterdam

2022 A Maior in Asynchronicity, curated by Kah Bee Chow, Charim Schleifmühlgasse, Vienna

2021 A Maior in The Endless Garment, curated by Jeppe Ugelvig and Poppy Dongxue Wu, X Museum, Beijing

2021 Patroa, A Maior at Kunsthalle Freeport, Porto

2020 A Maior in Image Power, curated by Melanie Bühler, Frans Hals Museum, Haarlem

2020 A Maior in Wearables, curated by Jeppe Ugelvig, Etage Projects, Copenhagen

2017 A Maior in Life Hacks, curated by 650mAh, BQ, Berlin

2017 Gabinete de Moda, A Maior at Gabinete, Lisbon

2017 A Maior in universe 2, LIFE SPORT, Berlin

Commissions & Presentations

2023 What Pipeline, Paris Internationale, Paris

2021 Unplugging With Friends, The Unplugged on Montez Press Radio

2019 Goth Talk, organised by Becket MWN, Amsterdam

2018 Cathy Horyn in Four Hats, Café Saarein, Amsterdam

2018 Jacob Peter Kovner's Bruno Zhu, Bob's Pogo Bar, KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin

2017 Spring Performance Festival 2017, curated by Geo Wyeth, Cinetol, Amsterdam

2016 An Anecdoted Archive of Exhibition Lives with Joni Zhu, Bergen Assembly curated by freethought, Bergen

2016 Adele, Café de Laurierboom, Amsterdam

2015 PLAT(T)FORM, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Winterthur

2014 For Reference Only, Mostly, Temple, Paris

Awards & Residencies

2024 Mondriaan Fonds Delfina Foundation Residency, London (UK)

2022 Shortlist EDP Foundation New Artists Award (PT)

2018 Werkbijdrage Jong Talent Mondriaan Fonds (NL)

2018 AIR Antwerpern, Antwerp (BE)

2018 Caribic Less aim Wandering Residency, Frankfurt-am-Main (DE)

2017 3Package Deal Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst / Bureau Broedplaatsen (NL)

2016 Förderstipendium 2015/2016 Kunststiftung DZ Bank (DE)

2015 Novo Banco Revelação Award (PT) 


2014-16 MA Fine Arts, Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam

2010-14 BA Fashion Design, Central Saint Martins, London 

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